Episode 1: Goin South/The meeting
Al Capony a 5 year old Stallion wakes up in Yonkers on a cold winter day to reflect on his life from how he became a trotting horse. He walks down the paddock and horse talks to other horses, and his fried Jack a 2 year old stray Jack Russel Terrier living at the racetrack. As Al approaches the field house, Al hears one of the workers telling another worker he is moving to Florida. Al thinks it sounds great, and packs his bags and decides to hitch a ride. Al finds himself in Palm beach County on a small farm in Wellington. He befriends the owner Leonardo who just moved in with his wife Angie who he met on a tv show and her father Yao. When Leonardo decides to keep the horse, he realizes the horse talks during one of his Sports Podcasts. This sets up Sason 1.

Episode 2: The Podcast: Al plays with Leonardo’s equipment and creates a huge hit of a live podcast including a few winners on Sunday Football. His advice on Love, Cooking, Sports and Entertaining becomes very popular.

Episode 3: Al the Handicapper
After Al starts giving Leonardo nothing but winning picks at the race track, everyone wants to get in on the gravy train – including Angie and her friends that have. a lot of cash. Al wants in and needs to figure out how to collect on his picks.

Episode 4: Al becomes a pool shark/Al gets a cell phone
As Al is wandering down main street Wellington, he sees a young man who just looks like he just lost his friend. Al cozies up to him and the confides in Al that he just lost his rent money at a pool game at a local bar. Al walks to the bar with the man and Al notions to the shark that he want s to play him. Al beats him and wins the mans money back. The man asks how do I thank you Mr. Horse? Al looks across the street at a mobile phone store. The man asks “hey boy , you want. a phone” Al shakes his head yes. His first call is to Leonardo, who can not believe his horse has a cell phone.

Episode 5: Al goes to Chinese Buffet
When Angie goes away to Orlando with Yao, Leonardo is left to cook on his own. Al suggests the Chinese Buffet and when they get there, the owner does not let the horse in so Al decides to make his own buffet and set up in the parking lot. The owner comes out.

Episode 6: Al gets a job driving for Uber
Al wants to get a job but what can he possibly do…He sees a wagon for sale and sets up for ride share. He works the beach area and at first customers laugh but realize it is a great ride.

Episode 7 : Al Discovers Amazon
One day Al and Leonardo are arguing over Keto Oats or regular oats. Al sees an Amazon van at neighbors house and realizes he can have anything delivered. Getting Leonardos Amazon account access through the podcast computer, it also has Leonardo’s Credit Card saved. Next day a lot of boxes and packages get delivered.

Episode 8: Al the plow horse
Yao wants to start to farm the land but there are restrictions to the area…He convinces Leonardo and Angie to let him. use a small area and use Al as a plow horse.

Episode 9: Al bets on himself as a transgender horse in the Philly Race
When the Philly Stakes all female horse race comes to town…Al has the idea of maybe they are cute Phillies but reads and article about a transgender swimmer who wins every race so Al calls the track to discuss with the organizers that his horse is transgender. When the organizers refuse, Al calls local media about how a transgender horse can not compete.

Episode10: Al goes to a boat party
Leonardo and Angie get invited to a boat tie up at Peanut island on a friends boat. When Al is not invited he takes it into his own hooves to go.

Episode 11: Al goes to Maralago Make American Horse Great again MAHGA
Leonardo and Angie get invited to a party at Maralago. When the President is there and Leonardo shows him a. picture of Al wearing MAHGA hat and the President wants to meet Al.

Episode 12: Al goes on strike: Farmer Al gets some livestock to picket.
Al decides to buy Livestock and put it on Leonardos bill. Yao wants to raise the animals to eat…And Al calls PETA.

Episode 13: Al tries out for kicker for the dolphins
When Al loses a bet on the dolphins because of the kicker. He has Leonardo drive him out to the stadium to discuss the loss. Al kicks a 70 and field goal and the coach wats to sign him.

Episode 14: Al plays video games
As Al is bored he discovers e gaming with local kids and gets addicted to video games. He leads his team to the E-game finals.

Episode 15: Al goes to Senior Center
Al feels very old and checks into a Senior center. He realizes he is young and becomes a therapy horse. He meets a man who tells him when he was a boy a horse talked to. him and wanted to know if horses really talked.

Episode 15: Al Tries grass
Al heads over to the local college to see if he can register for classes and meets a group who he follows back their apartment because they keep talk ing about this awesome grass. When they are back at the apartment they begin to smoke weed and Al gets high and starts talking. The students think they are so high, they think the horse is talking to them. After everyone passes out, Al stumbles back home.

Episode 16: Al and Yao go to circus
In the season finale, The Chinese circus is in town and Yao wants to go, the only one who will go is Al and the two go and enjoy the circus.
After Al goes in the barn. Yao closes the door and Al says Wǎn’ān (Good Night) Yao stops cuts to black